PiCCO Technology is the easy, less invasive and cost-efficient tool for determining the main hemodynamic parameters of critically ill patients
Bedside quantification of pulmonary edema
Quantification of cardiac preload
Several arterial access points inc. for pediatric patients
Precise, calibrated Cardiac Output – beat-to-beat
Volumetric preload parameter instead of filling pressures
Afterload, contractility, volume responsiveness
Septic shock
Cardiogenic shock
Traumatic shock
Severe burn injuries
High risk surgical procedures
The PiCCO Technology combines arterial pulse contour analysis using the innovative PiCCO algorithm with precise calibration via transpulmonary thermodilution
Arterial access via femoral, brachial and axillary artery
Application in children / pediatrics with special 3 french PiCCO catheter possible