Full Digital Portable Ultrasound Device UF-760AG
New portable ultrasound system, High image quality leads to earlier disease detection, more accurate
diagnosis and less invasive treatments. In order to ensure patient’s
premium care, Fukuda Denshi decided to provide to even more
physicians, a small and easy to carry device with the best
performance of an ultrasound system.
PC-based open architecture platform
High performance digital beam former
Advanced ergonomics workflow
AFA: Automatic Frequency Adjustment

With less than 7 kg
Color Doppler (CFM)
Hyper sensitive CW and PW Doppler
Cardio Package (including Anatomical M-mode)
DTI(Tissue Doppler Imaging)
Stress Echo
Power Doppler
Trapezoidal Imaging
Duplex (B + PW/CW)
Triplex (B + CFM+ PW)
Easy Optim
Spatial Compounding
Long Cine Loop
Big storage capacity
One touch image optimization
DICOM communications
15″ active matrix LCD flat monitor
i/o Extension Unit
Probe Selector Unit(increase 2 probes to 4 probes)
All these features allow having a complete and efficient system in a very compact size.