Cardiac Asist (Counterpulsation Therapy)
Holter Monitoring
Cardiac Marker Test
Four sensors always check that the syringe is correctly attached to the unit. Accidents that may occur as a result of incorrect attachment or the syringe coming off during liquid feeding are therefore prevented.
The pressure inside the infusion line is continually monitored and displayed as a trend graph over a maximum of 90 minutes. The occlusion pressure level for alarm activation can be set to five levels.
The pump can run for approximately three hours on a full battery. In addition, the battery can be easily replaced without using any tools.
Since 20 mL and 50 mL of “1% Diprivan® Injection-kit”*, general intravenous anesthesia, can be used, the needs of the anesthesiology, operating room, and ICU can be met. *1% Diprivan® Injection-kit is a registered trademark of AstraZeneca Group.